Stonehenge and bath tours from London

Visiting Stonehenge and Bath from London is a great day trip. Stonehenge is a famous stone circle that’s very old, and Bath is known for its beautiful old Roman baths. You can easily reach both places by train, bus, or car. Many tours are available if you want a guide. Here are some tips to help make your visit fun and smooth.

Why Visit Stonehenge?

Stonehenge is one of the world’s most famous prehistoric monuments. It’s a circle of massive stones, some standing up to 13 feet tall, arranged in a pattern. Built around 5,000 years ago, its exact purpose is still a mystery. Some think it was a burial ground, others believe it was used for ceremonies. Visiting Stonehenge lets you step back in time and wonder about the lives of ancient people.

Stunning Landscape

Stonehenge is set in a beautiful area of southern England. The wide, open landscape around the stones adds to the sense of wonder and mystery. The views of the rolling countryside and open sky are breathtaking, making it a great place for photos and a peaceful walk.

Modern Visitor Center

The Stonehenge Visitor Center provides more information about the site. It has a museum with artifacts found around Stonehenge and a display explaining its history. There’s also a café and a gift shop. Visiting the center helps you understand more about the stones and their significance.

Why Visit Bath?

Bath is famous for its well-preserved Roman Baths. This ancient bathing complex was built by the Romans around 70 AD. The baths are fed by natural hot springs, and you can see the steaming waters as you walk around. The museum at the site has fascinating displays about how the Romans used the baths.

Bath is also known for its beautiful Georgian architecture. The city is filled with elegant buildings made of honey-colored stone. The Royal Crescent, a row of 30 houses with a grand curved façade, is a stunning example of this style. Walking through the streets of Bath feels like stepping into a historic painting.

Bath is a city known for its relaxing atmosphere. There are lovely parks, cozy cafés, and unique shops to explore. You can also visit the modern Thermae Bath Spa to enjoy the warm, mineral-rich waters just like the Romans did. Bath’s calm and charming vibe makes it a perfect place to unwind.

Tour Options from London

Many companies offer guided Stonehenge and Bath tours from London. These tours usually include transportation by bus or coach, a guide who explains the sites, and sometimes even entry tickets to the attractions. Guided tours are convenient if you prefer having someone else handle the planning.

Self-Guided Tours

If you like exploring at your own pace, you can take a self-guided tour. You can travel to Stonehenge and Bath by train or bus from London and then visit the sites on your own. Self-guided tours give you more freedom to spend as much time as you like at each place.

Private Tours

For a more personalized experience, you can book a private tour. These tours can be tailored to your interests and schedule. You might have a private guide and vehicle, allowing you to avoid crowds and explore more comfortably. Private tours are usually more expensive but offer a high level of flexibility and comfort.



By Train

Getting to Bath from London by train is quick and easy. Trains leave from London Paddington Station and reach Bath Spa Station in about 1.5 hours. From Bath, you can take a local bus or a tour bus to Stonehenge.

For Stonehenge, the nearest train station is Salisbury. Trains from London Waterloo to Salisbury take about 1.5 hours. From Salisbury, you can take a bus or a taxi to Stonehenge, which is about 9 miles away.

By Bus or Coach

Buses and coaches are a budget-friendly way to travel. There are direct coach services from London to Bath, but they take longer than trains (around 2.5 to 3 hours). For Stonehenge, some coach tours go directly to the site, while others may require a transfer to Salisbury.

By Car

If you prefer to drive, you can rent a car in London. The drive to Bath takes about 2.5 hours, and to Stonehenge about 2 hours. Having a car gives you the freedom to explore at your own pace, but parking can be tricky in Bath, and driving in London can be challenging for those unfamiliar with the city’s traffic.

Sample Itineraries

One-Day Tour

Morning: Start early from London and head to Stonehenge. Spend a couple of hours exploring the stones and the visitor center.

Afternoon: Travel to Bath, have lunch, and visit the Roman Baths. Spend the rest of the afternoon exploring Bath’s Georgian architecture and enjoying the city’s charm.

Evening: Return to London.

Two-Day Tour

Day 1: Leave London for Stonehenge in the morning. After visiting Stonehenge, head to Bath and spend the night. Explore Bath in the afternoon and evening.

Day 2: Spend the day enjoying more of Bath’s attractions, such as the Jane Austen Centre or the Thermae Bath Spa. Return to London in the late afternoon or evening.

Tips for a Successful Trip

Book in Advance: Popular tours and attractions can sell out, so book your tickets and tours early.

Dress Comfortably: Wear comfortable shoes and bring layers, as the weather can change.

Pack Snacks: Having some snacks and water with you can be handy, especially if you’re traveling by train or bus.

Check the Weather: Look at the forecast before you go and pack accordingly. An umbrella or raincoat might be useful.

Plan Your Time: Both Stonehenge and Bath have a lot to see. Make a rough plan of what you want to do to make the most of your day.


A trip from London to Stonehenge and Bath is a great way to see famous and historic places in England. You can go on a guided tour, travel by yourself, or take a private tour. Each option offers lots of history and beautiful sights. With some planning and these helpful tips, your day trip will be both fun and memorable.

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